Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Would you like a carmel apple bar with that? I realize I've been quite lame with my blogging...and I'd apologize, but really, I am not that sorry. I have done a few things with my life (you know, to improve it and shit like that) and so I've been a very busy girl. Let me take you on a journey through my new and improved life...

So uhh, I got a second job. I decided that I could no longer bitch and complain about how much I hated Grande Prairie, and I needed to do something to make it easier to live here. I figured making some friends would be a great start. I drove around and went to a ton of places that I figured I wouldn't mind working, and I evaluated their staff on a scale from 1-10...1 being lame and shitty, 10 being exceptional. After going to about 100 places, all rated -3, I decided I needed a Venti Carmel Americano with soy, so I drove myself through the Starbucks drive through. Low and behold, the girls behind the window were laughing and friendly and adorable, so I asked "do you like working here? are you hiring?" and they said "YES!" and "YES! Here, fill out this application!! COME IN RIGHT NOW!" and so I went in, had an interview, got the job and *badabababa I'm lovin' it*.

I have made friends, I have made some drinks, I have made messes, I have made an ass out of myself...and best of all, I'm actually really happy. I love goin' to work there. We just laugh and customers are so happy and I am happy and so everyone is happy.

So yeah, sorry about my lack of blogging, but I'm just making it so that I don't have to bitch and complain all the time! You should be HAPPY!! *did I mention that I am happy?* OOH, and I got invited to go out with all the girls on Friday night! And next Friday night too!!

Love and carmel apple bars,


Wanderlusting said...

YAY for you! I wish I was busy...or do I?

But I've heard that Starbucks is an awesome place to work for and they take care of you really well. So good for you!

How often do you work? Are you still doing your social work on the side or have you thrown it to the wind to be come a proffessional barista?

If I drove to Grande Prarie, would you give me free coffee?

Janellerific said...

I am still workin' at Mental Health...Starbucks was mostly a way to meet people who don't sing songs like "m-m-m-moo cow, m-m-m-makes milk" and drive me generally insane.

If you drove to Grande Prairie I'd probably give you a coupon for a free beverage for the next time you visited our store. That's how I roll!

Wanderlusting said...

Don't want to scare you, but I've heard a few Starbucks employees sing that exact same catchy too!

"m-m-m-moo cow, m-m-m-makes milk"

Janellerific said...

Don't be a douchebag now.

Ok, I promise to write you a new blog, either tomorrow, or the day after, or maybe the day after that. But sooooooooon!

"It's the only drink that I adore"