Saturday, January 27, 2007

73 hour work weeks are kinda tiring

There I am...last weekend...before I spent 40 hours with the mentally ill and 33 hours with those who really just want a cup of delicious Starbucks coffee. Please note the clear skin, sparking eyes and styled hair. I no longer look like the same person. I just took an "after" shot, but I can't bring myself to upload it and post it on the internet for everyone to see. It's just that bad. I have no motivation to put on makeup, let alone blowdry my hair, and I have what appear to be bags under my eyes. I also have a crush on a very flamboyantly gay co-worker. Ok, so that's not necessarily true...I just adore him. Perhaps in my new exhausted stated I have become a bit confused about my sexuality, and that of others.

Starbucks is amazing though...really. I love going to work there. Everyone is swell and we have a great time and laugh a lot and I drink tons of coffee for free. That's just how I roll.

Mental Health is going really well too. I'm making a lot of progress with some of my clients, and I have my 6 month review next Friday ( I still can't believe I've been working there for that seems like a month, tops).

The only problem is, I have no time to relax. My only day off is Saturday (which would be today) and it is spent doing laundry, cleaning the house, playing with my kittens and hanging out with friends who feel neglected due to my work schedule. I was invited to go out tonight with one of the other outreach workers and her friends, but I don't think I have the energy to even think about it. I think this would be an excellent night to rent a chick flick, lie on the couch drinking tea and not moving until I drag my ass upstairs to bed. But anyone who knows me will realize that I just might go out anyways, and regret it tomorrow when I have to get up and go to work.


Wanderlusting said...

Love the hair...did you just dye it?

All I have to say is just be glad you don't have a boyfriend...could you imagine trying to juggle that responsibilty AND working 73 hours a week?

Janellerific said...

It's been dark for awhile...I'm considering going back to blonde in the spring...yeah, so exciting.

As for having a boyfriend, wouldn't they do the laundry and cook me dinner...not to mention clean the house? I thought that's what boyfriends were for.

Wanderlusting said...

you are sorely mistaken...