Sunday, February 11, 2007

No one likes a quitter...

"I ain't no quitter"...those are the great words of the infamous Shania Twain. Sadly, they do not apply to me. I am a quitter, but a quitter of the best kind. The kind of quitter who says "NO" to cancer sticks, and YES to knitting. That's right folks, Janelle is now a knitter. A knitter who is trying to curb the repulsive nicotine addiction that has plaqued her for 6 years.

Seen here is a photo of my very first piece of knitwork. Impressive isn't it? I especially like the way it's missing a few stitches, and how it bulges out on one side. Aah...I don't care how shitty it is, it's mine and I am going to keep it as a reminder of what a fucking quitter I am.

In other news, I have also taken up the annoying habit of putting shirts on my kittens. They absolutely hate it, and it's hilarious to watch them run around and drag themselves over the carpet in an effort to remove the hideous shirts. Mr. Tanaka didn't seem to hate his as much as Gizmo did...but I'm pretty sure that's because her's was camo, and her and I share a hate for the disgusting print. I thought maybe because it was pink she would give it a chance, but apparently that is asking too much of her. She was out of it in no time, and her back hair was sticking up about 5 feet (that is just an estimate).

Here they are sitting together, oh so nicely. They are doing their best to avoid eye contact with me at this point, which is why neither one is looking at anything in particular, especially the camera. Gosh I'm an asshole.
LOOK AT THE EYELASHES!! I found these the other day and now I'm in love...probably can only wear them on weekends at night, because otherwise I'll look like a drag queen...but still, they are f'ing hot. Ok, I'm going to eat oranges now and knit you all some sweaters.


Dayngr said...

Yes! The lashes are HOT. You must tell me what kind they are and how hard or easy they are to apply.

Congrats on being a quitter.

Steven said...

YOu nearly lost me when you claimed that Shania Twain was "infamous."

Then you started putting clothes on cats....



Wanderlusting said...

Have all the free coffees at Starbucks have gone to your head?

And I agree with Dayngr, sexy lashes...wear them to work and you will be the hottest barista around! Your tips will increase ten-fold!

Janellerific said...

*dayngr* Thanks...they are just some kind I got at the drugstore...they aren't that hard to apply at all...except sometimes I get the glue on my eyelid and that sucks.

*Steve* Don't you judge weepy Muppet-watcher.

*K-diggity* It's this not-smoking's making my thoughts get all jumbled around in my head. Maybe I will wear them to work...although it's seriously a bit much for Starbucks.

Dayngr said...

PS... I dress my dogs. Is there a self-help group for this?

minijonb said...

I had to use the nicotine patch to quit smoking... who knew I could have just started knitting?


Congrats on the knitting and finding those hot, hott lashes.

Dan said...

I have also taken up the annoying habit of putting shirts on my kittens.

Careful now! I don't want to be seeing your story on the evening news tonight. "Cat owner has neck ripped out by two kitties while she sleeps." :)

Janellerific said...

The sad thing is, the little guy actually likes it. He parades around in it for hours. At least, he did before last Friday when he got his nuts chopped off. Poor little bugger is just so humiliated.

Oh yeah, I'll have a new post soon. Just all this working is getting to my head and making it difficult to focus. You know how it is...uhh.

Wanderlusting said... are dead aren't you? Had a sudden panick attack and smoked ten packs of cigs at once? Or your cats decided they had enough of your sweaters and ate you during the night.

Do post a new post...I am getting worried.

JefferyLoucks said...

Wholly shit Janelle. I thought I was bad with postings. I'm coming over to see if you've passed out on the kitchen floor.